Sexy. Crooked. Teeth.

Yes, I know I stole the title from Oppikoppi, so what?

This post is about people.

Ugly people, beautiful people, tall people, short people, cat people, dog people and crab people

Well, maybe not crab people- but I’ve heard they walk like crabs and talk like people, and were the brains behind smash-hit tv show ‘Queer Eye for the Striaght Guy’


Fashion-conscious, well groomed homosexuals or Evil Crustaceans? You decide


This post is about how love is all at once blind, stupid, cruel, amazing and integral to our existance as human beings.

Picture this, you wake up one morning and you are ugly. Not inside my selfish, vengeful, arrogant prawns, but on the outside- like you took a fall down the ugly stairs and stopped to pick a fight with Edward Scissorhands on the way. That kind of ugly.


But even if you woke up ugly (or let her sleep), you might actually be better off. We constantly hear from schmodels and the like how tough it is to be them, constant dieting, crippling self-image issues and… wait, those are also normal people problems. Get over yourself beautiful people- its proven that you have life easier. Take for example this girl:


I went to high school with this girl, and she was an in-betweener like me. However, we can all see she is attractive. Since high school and the epiphany that she is a hottie, life has been easier for her- free shit, invitations to events, blog posts etc etc.

Normal looking people, and I’m sure to a greater degree ugly people, have to work fucking hard to get the same level of recognition beautiful people achieve by simply sashaying through the door. Bastards.

But us Normies have got the trump card.

We don’t need to be in the spotlight, we don’t need a partner who is on the same level as us, we are (in general) less affected by the materialistic and shallow world that beautiful people spend the majority of time in. We can find love with someone who fills the gap in our heart, not the person who will look best on the cover of People magazine.

Lucky us.