Countdown to Oppikoppi

It’s just under a month until my favourite time if the year

A time where madness is mundane, alcoholism is acceptable and fun is enforced – yes, I’m talking about Oppikoppi, that wonderful dusty shithole that transforms into the epicentre of a whirlwind of music, booze and more dust just once a year.

In the words of my Cape Town homies – I’m poes-excited

This will be my third Oppi and I think I’m actually properly prepared this time round (although this is what I said last year)

Some changes from last year include:

A girlfriend

Condom catheters to minimise time wasted by trekking to the loo

‘Rocket Fuel’ intravenous nutrient bags, and 2 doctors to apply them

Acid, as opposed to mushrooms

A blow-up mattress that actually blows up

And a newly relocated Capetonian who will be experiencing her first Oppi ever. 

See you there prawns!