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Put On a Brave Face

So I know this has been coming since I decided to take the plunge, but I’m single… (and this is the third blog about it)… again!

My now ex is going to explore the world, on ships and stuff, either in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean, both places known for their terrible habit of turning people into fat, alcoholic, nymphomaniac murderers.

Ok, maybe not the murder part.

Nonetheless, it sucks. This girl is amazing, seriously. If you read my previous pity-party post (Alliteration FTW!) on being lonely, this girl ticked all the boxes. Smart, sexy, funny (and you thought I was going for the double alliteration there didn’t you?), interested in the same stuff I am and really caring.

Now because we broke up I could start ripping her off and really entertain you guys with made up libelous stories like the fact she can play a harmonica with her lady bits or that her elbow can lick itself, but I’m not going to.

I’m also not going to go on about how much this sucks and how I feel, because I know you don’t really care- to paraphrase P!nk incorrectly – I’m just here for your entertainment.

I’m also not going to put personalised subliminal messages in this post in the small hope she changes her mind, like this: DON’T FUCKING GO ON THE SHIPS, THE BEDS ARE SMALL, THE FOOD IS CRAP AND YOU’LL HATE IT! Only I think it would need to be less subtle to be truly effective.

This relationship always had an expiry date because she was always going on the ships- but next time you find someone who you think is cool, my advice is this:

Take the chance to get to know them, they could be exactly what you’ve been looking for

Don’t give up on what you want- I had about 5 months of bliss, which is 5 months more than i would have had if I just accepted the fact that she’s going anyway

Make the most of every moment. In the time I’ve known her I’ve crossed off more Bucket List items than ever before, and enjoyed them more than I thought possible

Put on a brave face.

And don’t forget to be awesome!



About ninjapete888

Lover of fine foods, wine, beer, plants, people, and animals. Spelling Nazi, Abuser of Apostrophes, Hater of Fools, Atheist. I talk about sex and drugs and swear a lot, but I also lie a lot so that's cool. Corporate baws by day, punk rocker by night. Prematurely grey (Hello Ladies!)

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