Family Values

I don’t hang out with my family a lot. Not even my immediate family, who normally guilt-trip me into seeing them about once every 3 months.

Judge me if you wish, some families just don’t hang out together.

The 2 people I ‘see’ the most are my brother – because he’s a lurker and will show up wherever a free drink can be bummed off a friend, and my cousin Dale (@badtennis_ on twitter and WordPress – read his blog because he told me if I can get him some more readers [up from just me and some old bird who always, ALWAYS comments] then he’ll take me to the same roadhouse he took his girlfriend for valentines) who I mainly converse with online. Because he looks like this:


Understandably I try to avoid getting my prettiness anywhere near him, because it would be unfair on him. Now he has a girlfriend, so its safe for me to be around him for short periods.

Those are what female dwarves have right?

Anyway, Dale is a couple of months older than me, and had his 30th birthday party this weekend. My dad, brother and I all ventured out to the East, only to find out Dale had managed to get Blackberry to sponsor Kid Cudi for his party – we were amped.

Very shortly afterwards, we were disappointed as we realised that the Blackberry/Kid Cudi event was wholely removed from Dale’s party.

To tell the truth, I wasn’t all that disappointed, I only know one Kid Cudi song and that’s becasue it was played to death, reborn after three days and played to death again on a holiday I went to.

Dale’s party was slightly more low-key, although he did have the biggest pizzas I have ever seen on the tables. And a beer tab, which was completely unexpected.

I brought Dale some money as a present from my side of the family, but I was planning on holding on to it and offsetting the price of the booze with how much money he would get as a present – I personally think this is rather unique and will totally be utilising this method at all celebrations moving forward.

Dale, I still have R 480 left from your present. If I keep punting your blog can I keep it?

But I digress – the best part of the party was seeing my family together for a celebration rather than a lamentation. And it was awesome.

Here are some photos – when in doubt, I’m the sexy one.





Here’s to seeing a lot more of all the people I love this year! Love you guys