The Land of Milk and Honey

15 Days.

15 Days until I get on a plane with my expensive-ass last minute ticket and take the 2 hours flight down to the Mother City

I cant wait. And as much as I’m probably looking the worst I’ve looked and totally not rocking my Heidi Klum beach body, I’m going to hit the beach. HARD. Like it has angered me.

And anger is part of why I’m so excited about this holiday- over the last 2-3 weeks I’ve been in a bit of a downward spiral in terms of my general mood and personality. So my plan this holiday is to spend time with some good friends, thinking and … ahem, not thinking, if you get my drift.

That being said, I’m still going to be swimming my ass off as soon as my tattoo has healed. A couple of kays a day should do some good at least.

Whats exciting me about this holiday is not having to deal with any issues- everyone down in Cape Town is someone I’m wanting to spend time with and someone who doesnt have any issues- with me at least.

As much as I’m generally pretty happy and optimistic, this type of shit is getting to me. And for me, ‘me time’ doesnt neccessarily mean only me. And hey, a little comfort in the arms of a lithe beach nymph will probably go a little way towards my rejuvenation too.

So bring it on, I have a healthy bank balance, some fucking great friends and a whole bunch of exciting things to do- Cape Town has never looked so good


Pictured: Beach Nymph